Commission Painting

Got a shelf of minis, but no time to paint them? Worried you won’t do the job right?
Leave it to MinisKeep!

Order Commission now!

Experienced painters

Most of our painters have been painting since they were little kids. Your minis are in good hands!

Different Styles

Whether it’s Middle Earth or Warhammer, we have a painter for each genre!

Affordable Pricing

Our pricing means anyone can afford their miniatures to be painted - as it should be!

Our work

Just look at how awesome they are!

How it works?

Step #1

Tell us what you’d like painted Provide us with as many details as possible, such as what kind and the amount of miniatures to be painted, and how would like us to paint them (Photos work best). Also mention whether you will be sending them to us, or if you’d like us to order the miniatures locally and then paint them for you.



Step #2

We provide you with a quote. If you agree, we send you an invoice for payment.

Step #3

You send us the minis to paint, or we order them locally, depending on your choice. Once the minis have arrived/are ready we notify you and start painting!



Step #4

We notify you that your miniatures are ready, ship them to you, and provide a tracking number.

Pricing Table

MiniatureExamples Price ($)
Infinity infantry Fusillers / Alguacil / Achiles 12 - 15
Infinity heavy infantry Aquila Guard / Ajax / Mobile Brigada 13 - 17
Infinity remotes Mulebot / Zond Remote 15 - 20
Infinity TAG Iguana / Cutter / Jotums 25 - 32
Infinity bikes Desperadoes 21 - 29
15mm Flames of War / Epic 7 - 11
Small infantry Gretchin / Skink 6 - 8
InfantryTactical Marine / Eldar Guardian 8 - 12
Veteran infantry Sternguard / Lychguard 10 - 15
Large infantry Terminator / Wraitghguard 14 - 18
Infantry HQ Lysander / Chaos Lord / Librarian 30+
Monstrous infantry Ogryn / Centurion / Ogre rat 23 - 31
Monstrous infantry HQ Ghazghkull / Tyranid Prime 50+
Monster/ Walker & HQ Dreadnought / Carnifex / Tyrant 45 - 57
Large monster/walker Riptide / Tervigon 70 - 95
Super heavy monster/walker Imperial Knight / Stompa / Wraithknight 110 -130
Bikes & cavalry Marine Bike / Tomb Blade / Reiksguard / Farseer on Jetbike 19 - 28
Large bikes & cavalry Thunderwolf / Bloodcrusher / Sammael 32 - 47
Grav-Vehicles Landspeeder / Annihilation Barge 45 - 65
Large Grav-Vehicles Wave Serpent / Dark Eldar Raider 60 - 70
Average tank Rhino / Predator / Chimera / Leman Russ 40 - 55
Landraider size Landraider / Battlewagon 100 - 120
Super heavy tanks Baneblade / Monolith / Fellblade 135 - 160
Flyer Stormtalon / Nightscythe 60 - 75
Large flyer Stormraven / Fireraptor 105 - 115
Super heavy flyer Thunderhawk / Tau Tiger Shark 170 - 220
TitansWarhound / Eldar Revenant / Harridan 210 - 280
Heavy titans Reaver / Eldar Phantom 255 - 310
Super heavy titans Warlord340 - 380
PrimarchHorus / Fulgrim / Roboute Guilliman / Angron 65+

Our Goals


satisfied customers


commissions completed 


miniatures painted

Freaquently Asked Questions

Where do you get the miniatures for commissions??

We order them locally and then paint them ourselves. You can get an idea of the general standard of miniatures that we have by browsing through our store.

If I order a commission, how soon will I get it?

Commissions are delivered within 2-3 weeks.

I have my own miniatures. Can you paint them for me?

We certainly can! Just select the appropriate option in the commissions form. Also you would have to ship them to our painting studio in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Are shipping costs different for commissions?

All Commissions are done in our painting studio in, Kharkiv, Ukraine, and shipping costs are calculated from there.


 order comission 

Our expertly qualified goblin crew will send you a quote within a few days!